Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Is Money Evil Essay Example for Free

Is Money Evil Essay Most people have heard of the phrase â€Å"Money is the root of all evil†. Often people will think this phrase is not true. In this society, everybody needs money to survive. Money rules over everything. Without it, you cannot purchase anything at all. So how can money be the root of all evil when life would be miserable without money? With money, you can support your family members, help friends with income problems or even donating to the needy people and have a higher standard of living. So the more money you have, the more you make your world a better place to live. However, for every advantage, disadvantages will also apply. The same goes for money, when there are benefits but there will also be setbacks. So then starts the origin of the phrase â€Å"Money is the root of all evil†. People can get so obsessed with money so much so that their character changes. A father can resort to violence to his family members, causing disputes resulting in his family to be broken due to financial problems. Because of money obsession, friends often betray one another over small money issues. When a person is overwhelmed by money, he tends to be greedy and chooses to rather lose his dignity over money. In the world today, there are many increasingly reported cases of theft, robbery and even murder cases due to money disputes as well as reports of siblings fighting against each other for their father’s inheritance. There are also cases whereby people murdered their love ones to claim the insurance money and also cases of people being cheated and conned out of money. There are also cases of kidnapping as well, kidnappers will then blackmail the victim’s family. Because of the greediness in people, money became a temptation on why people get addicted into gambling. Buying lottery, betting on horse racing and football matches, getting into the casino is all for the purpose of thinking to make lots of money in just a matter of time. In the hope of making big money, gamble addicts put all their money on stake. Most of them ended up losing all their savings and therefore they went to borrow more money from creditors to continue their habit of gambling. Instead of winning back their savings, they will probably lose all their money they had borrowed and ended up in more debts. Some were even pushed to the edge and committed suicide. Money is so tempting that people are willing to do anything for it. Some women are even willing to go into prostitution just to earn money for materialistic goods. Corrupted officials took bribes, using money in exchange for unfair advantages. People as young as in their teens would steal goods and trade them for money. Just think of how people are willing to risk their lives and ruin their future for the sake of having more money in their hands. The influence of money is so great that it affects everybody, even children as young as ten years old. There are reports in schools whereby school bullies exhorted money from their school mates, threatening to hurt them if they do not comply. Cases of theft within the family are also largely increasing due to the influence of money. Teenagers stole money from their parents to purchase materialistic items to suit their own needs. Money is so important to people that they can even neglect their own families. A father had to work hard outside to earn more money and seldom have the time to spend with his wife and children. Eventually, his wife and children would only see him as someone who provides money and hence there would not be any strong bonding between them. Money revolves around the world. The phrase â€Å"money is the root of all evil† meant that money issues is the main cause of the many problems faced in life. If you let the money take control of you, you would be obsessed with it and think that your money is never enough. It influences people generations by generations and can cause one to lose his conscience and humanity. Money is the one that manifests the evil in people hearts. So therefore shows why money is the root of all evil.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Communication Self-Analysis :: Communication

1. I just started working at a clothing store, and it was a great way for me to engage in new conversations and identify the elements that go into interpersonal communication. An essential to this conversation was that she was willing to take her time to get to know me and teach me how to do things, and I was able to listen. The following contexts existed in my conversation with a fellow girl coworker. The physical dimension was that we were at our workplace where it is dimly lit, there wasn’t a lot of people around, and we were surrounded by clothing. The temporal dimension was that it was nighttime when we were working so we were both tired, and I was a new employee whereas she had been working here for a long time and had more experience then I did. That also goes along with the social-psychological dimension in that we had a new relationship, she was in a higher rank then I was in our work, and the situation was friendly and easy going since we were just beginning to know each other. The cultural dimension came into play in that she is originally from Texas and I am from Utah. When she talked she had a slight southern accent and would use slang words like â€Å"ya’ll†, words that I usually don’t use. Noise had a big impact on the conversation as well. There was much physical noise around us from the loud music playing in the store, the sound of people walking the mall, the music playing in the mall, and other conversations going on around us. There wasn’t any obvious physiological noise, but there was psychological noise going on with myself as I wasn’t so focused on what she was saying and more worried about if I was doing my job right and in making a good first impression. Also, it was my first time meeting this person so I tried hard not to make any preconceived ideas about the girl. Semantic noise was the southern accent the girl had. When speaking to this girl I did realized how context and noise can influence the way a conversation goes. 2. One of my roommates just got a new boyfriend, and from the moment I met him my perception process told me that I wouldn‘t like this guy. The first thing I noticed about him was that he reeked of smoke and alcohol.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Critically Analyze the Following Claim: ‘Class Is No Longer Relevant in Australia in the Twenty-First Century’

Critically analyze the following claim: ‘Class is no longer relevant in Australia in the twenty-first century. ’ The relevance of social class in Australia has been disputed as to whether it still exists. There are a lot of arguments and opinions on this issue but class inequality is evidently still in force in twenty first Australia. Contemporary Australian society discriminates the difference of social classes through economic status, education and geographic location.The power struggle in social class is analyzed in theorist Karl Marx’s â€Å"Communist Manifesto† where the Bourgeois (ruling class) and the Proletarians (working class) are discussed as to how classes are shaped in societies which can then be applied in twenty first century Australia. Bill Martin’s â€Å"Class† discusses the distinction between working and middle class in Australia today compared to a generation ago in accordance to materials, geographic location and employmen t.In Australia, economic status, employment and property ownership refers to what the person earns and owns which are very important factors in determining social classes. A person’s economic status is determined by their employment and employment in Australia is classified in white and blue collar workers. The white collar workers fall into the ruling class category where they obtain degrees, maintain high wage and use their skills/knowledge from the degree to obtain an office job wearing white dress shirts (which is where the word white collar is derived from).Whereas the blue collar workers fall into the low-middle class category, where the workers are employed as tradesmen or laborers as they have physical work with standard wage which don’t require high qualifications. These two main tiers of collars are implemented in twenty first Australia which is a fundamental aspect of determining social class as the white collar workers have wealth putting them in power of t he working class which verifies that there is underlying capitalism.In relation to economic status, property ownership is another fundamental aspect of determining a person’s class in Australia as it defines the person’s wealth. Property can consist of houses, investments, cars, savings accounts, land and any materials with value. Property ownership was Marx’s main argument in determining social class as, â€Å"The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and hereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society,† (Marx 771) which argues that if the person doesn’t have some form of ownership then they didn’t have resources for production which would classify them as a laborer putting them in the working class. Property ownership distinguishes the two classes from each other in Australia as it is seen through the works of the Labor party as it has a large group of pe ople in the working class leaving them to manage capitalism.Marx’s infamous quote, â€Å"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles,†Ã‚  (Marx 79) makes it clear that class struggle is needed to create the division of classes. Jim Kemeny writes â€Å"Australian capitalism highlights the way in which the Australian ruling class is likely to differ from those of other middle-sized capitalist societies,† (Kemeny 103) where the ruling class in Australia is weakly developed in retrospect to the economy.Capitalists have the capital and the workers own their power to labor which only receives one third of their produce as the other two thirds are taken by the capitalists which keeps the classes separated; this is evident in Australia due to technological advancements where the laborers are being replaced by technology putting people out of jobs which explains how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.This division of labour in Australia can also be analysed by sociologist Max Weber as he thought Marx’s theory was too simplistic, indeed there were different classes but they were classed according to property, power and prestige (class, power and status). Weber’s theory also applies in Australia as Australians value mateship and children have the opportunity to enter a different class through their manner of speech, respect in the society, education achievements and social leisure habits which can increase their â€Å"life chances†.Power is doing anything you desire while being able to control other people whether they object or not. In Australia, power is exercised by the government, controlling the nation’s rights and keeping the classes separated. Prestige/status is how the person is perceived in the community/society. Property will usually lead to prestige and power but property is mostly held by the people working in white collar jobs. Social welfare is provided by the Austr alian Government to the working where Centrelink provides economic assistance for the people out of work.The income support system can help with Austudy Allowance,  Carer Allowance,  Disability Support, Pension Payment, Orphans Allowance, Newstart Allowance,  Maternity Payment,  Parenting Payment, Special Benefit Payment and  Youth Allowance  which are conducted by a means test (which is usually taken advantage of). The article â€Å"Welcome to bludgetown† by Caroline Marcus discusses the different nationalities and demographics of certain suburbs that rely on Centrelink classing them in the lower tier.The geographic location of where people reside has an effect on whether they are categorized into working or ruling class as the suburbs of Greenacre, Punchbowl and Villawood (South-west Sydney) would rather accept Centrelink than find a job. The article reads â€Å"Mr Trad said Muslims suffered from discrimination when it came to applying for jobs. ‘I wonder if this gentleman has ever experienced discrimination in the workplace himself,’ he said. ‘Certainly, people with a Muslim-sounding name are not given the same opportunities †¦ s people with an Anglo-sounding name. ’† (Marcus pars. 16-18) Discrimination can be a possible explanation as to why some of these cultural groups are not employed in this multicultural country which ultimately disadvantages their children as they are automatically categorized in the working class but their geographic location has also disadvantaged them because they are influenced by other people from their culture making them reluctant to even apply for employment which leaves them to stay in the working class.Geographic location can affect a person’s class which is evident in â€Å"Class† by Bill Martin which tours around in three shopping centres in Adelaide. Martin identifies the different stores, cars, clothing, education and occupation in regards to three d ifferent suburbs. The ruling class is evidently Eastside where most of the stores are upmarket, half the cars in the car park are mostly European, clothes are chosen carefully, their children go to private schools and have a dominant occupation of doctors, lawyers, accountants etc.Putting them in the ruling class as opposed to Rosedale where there are discount shops through connected malls, most of the cars in the car park are Holdens, Fords and Toyotas, their clothes are old, their children attend public schools that are trying to defeat drug problems with very few that attend university and have a dominant occupation of public servants, delivery drivers and secretaries.Martin clearly distinguishes between the two suburbs in their two tiers of class. It is evident that the children growing up in Eastside are a lot more likely to become members of the ruling class and the children being raised in Rosedale are more likely to stay in the working class as they are almost destined to ca rry out the same outcome as their parents and very few follow through to higher education to obtain high wage and status.In Australia, the media plays an important role in distinguishing between the classes in Australia as stereotypes are portrayed in the media to make it obvious that class is still an existing factor in society. The Australian nation may want to believe that there isn’t class discrimination and that everyone is middle class but this claim is evidently false which can be understood in the article â€Å"Whatever happened to the classless society? by Thornton McCamish. The article identifies Australians as an unequal country in reference to class discrimination as McCamish writes about how Australians are portrayed in TV shows such as Summer Heights High where Jamie, a high class ‘snob’ attends a public high school for a semester as opposed to her private girls college and assumes that everyone attending public schools are living in poverty (†˜povvo’) classing them in the working class.This assumption isn’t widely made or accepted among Australians as the TV show exaggerates reality but people watching the series may take that into account and might reassess their social status in terms of school placement but the fact of the matter is working class parents can only afford public schools which have higher risks to drug abuse and teen pregnancy. It shows that Australia went from a very egalitarian country to a country with underlying class discrimination issues, that may not necessarily be evident as to where the dividing line is but it is present in twenty-first century Australia.The article reads â€Å"Ignoring class didn't make socio-economic divides go away, just harder to get your head around. Especially once the Howard government took to our class structure with a rhetorical Dymo, replacing labels such as †ruling class† or †working class† with new ones such as †elitesâ⠂¬  and †battlers† – a category that seemed to embrace anyone with a swinging vote. Meanwhile, our very rich (not part of the †elites†, puzzlingly) got very much richer. † (McCamish pars. 6)Masking the names of the ruling or working class doesn’t make class discrimination irrelevant and evidently ignoring the divides doesn’t make class irrelevant either. To conclude, it is obvious that class is still an existing factor in twenty-first century Australia making it relevant especially due to the socio-economic status regarding employment, property ownership and geographic location. Conducted studies by the ABC show that 86% of Australians believe that class is still relevant in Australia.Theories from centuries ago about social classes are still relevant when comparing social discrimination to Australia’s social classes making it therefore evident that it still exists. WORKS CITED Henslin, James M. Global Stratification,  "Essentials of Sociology: A-Down-To-Earth Approach Eighth ed. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2009. 170-95. Print. Kemeny, J. Capitalism- the Australian way, Arena  (Melbourne) 1978. No. 51, 94-103. Print. Marcus, Caroline. â€Å"Welcome to Bludgetown, Western Sydney. The Daily Telegraph 10 Jun. 2012. Print. Martin, B. Class, in P. Beilharz and T. Hogan (eds. ) â€Å"Sociology: Place, Time and Division†, South Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2006. pp. 402-405. Print. Marx, Karl – Engels, Friedrich. The Communist Manifesto. United Kingdom: Penguin Books, 2002. Print. McCamish, Thornton. â€Å"Whatever happened to the classless society. † The Age 16 Aug. 2009. Print. Weber, M. The Protestant Ethic and the spirit of Capitalism, Unwin Hyman Limited London- 1985. Print.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Economic and Sociological Perspective on the Book,...

Outcasts United from Economic and Sociological Perspective Outcasts United by Warren St. John is a wonderful book about a community of refugees who live in Clarkston, Georgia and their struggles to adapt with foreign environment of the United States. The book tells the stories of refugees that come from different background and countries in which they are connected together by an American- educated Jordanian woman called Luma Mufleh. Despite their difficulties in establishing new identity, they found their passion in soccer and with Luma Mufleh as their coach they create a soccer team called Fugees. In the early chapters of the book, it illustrates the difficulties to make a group of kids from different background unite and work together†¦show more content†¦Similar to the concept of incentives in economics that describe people make decision according to incentives offered which is further clarified in the law of demand where consumers have the incentives to buy more when pr ice is lower. Both families’ situations have given them the incentives to come to the United States for better living. The incentives are freedom from political persecution, greater opportunities for jobs, and economic stability. Opportunity cost will also occur when it comes to making choices whether in economic decision or in daily basis. In this situation, the opportunity cost for those refugees are loss of trust in their countries, broken relationship with their familiar neighborhood, and deviation from their familiar tradition and culture. Incentives and opportunity cost are then used to measure their economic profit by moving to the United States just like the way economists calculate economic profit in economic context. The difference is that in economic context we are provided with quantitative data while in this case we are provided with qualitative data. However the logic remains the same, if gains from the decision are greater than the opportunity cost it is econom ic profit. The refugees in this case have more incentives to come to United States because of the gains obtained from moving exceed their opportunity cost which is also known as theirShow MoreRelatedThe Issue of Homelessness Essays2064 Words   |  9 Pagesepidemic which affects approximately 2% of the total population share of Michigan. 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